SSC Quantitative Aptitude Profit and Loss Question Bank Profit Loss and Discount (I)

  • question_answer
    A person purchased a saree for Rs. 7710 after availing a net discount of Rs. 1285. The percentage of discount, the saree shop offers, is [SSC CGL Tier II, 2014]

    A) \[14\frac{1}{7}%\]

    B) \[14\frac{2}{7}%\]

    C) \[14\frac{3}{7}%\]

    D) \[14\frac{4}{7}%\]

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] SP of saree   = Rs. 7710, discount =Rs. 1285 Marked price of saree       = SP \[+\] Discount \[=7710+1285=8995\] \[\therefore \] Percentage discount \[\text{=}\frac{\text{Discount}}{\text{Marked}\,\,\text{price}}\text{ }\!\!\times\!\!\text{ 100 }\!\!%\!\!\text{ }\] \[\text{=}\frac{1285}{8995}\times 100%\] \[=\frac{100}{7}%=14\frac{2}{7}%\]

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