SSC Quantitative Aptitude Profit and Loss Question Bank Profit Loss and Discount (I)

  • question_answer
    Gita buys a plot of land for Rs. 96000. She sells \[\frac{2}{5}\] of it at a loss of 6%. She wants to make a profit of 10% on the whole transaction by selling the remaining land. The gain per cent on the remaining land is

    A) \[20\]

    B) \[20\frac{2}{3}\]

    C) \[14\]

    D) \[7\]

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] CP of the whole plot of land = Rs. 96000 To gain 10%, SP of the whole plot = 110% of 96000 = Rs. 105600 CP of \[\frac{2}{5}\text{th}\] part of the land \[=96000\times \frac{2}{5}=\text{Rs}\text{.}\,\,38400\] and it's SP = 94% of 38400 = Rs. 36096 \[\therefore \] CP of remaining part i.e., \[\frac{3}{5}\text{th}\] part of the land \[=96000\times \frac{3}{5}=\text{Rs}.57600\] and it's SP \[=105600-36096\] = Rs. 69504 Hence, gain per cent on the remaining land \[=\frac{69504-57600}{57600}\times 100=20\frac{2}{3}%\]

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