SSC Quantitative Aptitude Profit and Loss Question Bank Profit Loss and Discount (I)

  • question_answer
    Ram sold a cow to Raheem on a profit of 20% and Raheem sold it to Robert on a profit of 25%. If Robert paid Rs. 900 for cow, then what did the cost price of cow to Ram?

    A) Rs. 600

    B) Rs. 700

    C) Rs. 750

    D) Rs. 800

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    [a] \[\because \]\[{{r}_{1}}=20%,\] \[{{r}_{2}}=25%\] and A =  Rs. 900 Let cost price of cow to Ram be Rs. x. Then, \[x\left( 1+\frac{{{r}_{1}}}{100} \right)\,\left( 1+\frac{{{r}_{2}}}{100} \right)=A\] \[\Rightarrow \]   \[x\times \frac{120}{100}\times \frac{125}{100}=900\] \[\therefore \] \[x=\frac{900\times 100\times 100}{120\times 125}=\text{Rs}.\,\,600\]

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