SSC Quantitative Aptitude Profit and Loss Question Bank Profit Loss and Discount (I)

  • question_answer
    A man sells two articles for Rs. 5000 each neither losing nor gaining in the deal. If he sold one of them at a gain of 25%, the other article is sold at a loss of

    A) \[15\frac{2}{3}%\]

    B) \[16\frac{2}{3}%\]

    C) \[17\frac{1}{3}%\]

    D) \[18\frac{1}{3}%\]

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] \[\because \]SP of each article = Rs. 5000 \[\therefore \] CP of first article \[=\frac{5000\times 100}{100+25}\] = Rs. 4000 \[\Rightarrow \] Profit \[=5000-4000=\text{Rs}.\,\,1000\] \[\therefore \]      Loss = Rs. 1000 \[\Rightarrow \] CP of second article \[=5000+1000=\text{Rs}.\text{ }6000\] Hence, loss percentage \[=\frac{1000}{6000}\times 100%=16\frac{2}{3}%\]

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