SSC Quantitative Aptitude Profit and Loss Question Bank Profit Loss and Discount (I)

  • question_answer
    A bookseller sold a book at a profit of 10%. If it had been purchased at a cost 4% less and would be sold at a price Rs. 6 more, then there would be profit of \[18\frac{3}{4}%.\] The cost price of book is

    A) Rs. 130

    B) Rs. 140

    C) Rs. 150

    D) Rs. 160

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    [c] Let the cost price of book = Rs. x. \[\therefore \] Selling price of book \[=x\times \frac{110}{100}=\frac{11x}{10}=\text{Rs}.\,\,1.1x\] Now, cost price of book \[=x\times \frac{96}{100}=\text{Rs}.\,\,0.96x\] Now, selling price of book \[=0.96x\times \frac{\left( 100+\frac{75}{4} \right)}{100}\] \[=0.96x\times 1.1875=\text{Rs}.\,\,1.14x\] According to the question, \[1.14x-1.1x=6\] \[\Rightarrow \]   0.04x = 6 \[\Rightarrow \]   \[x=\frac{6}{0.04}=\frac{600}{4}=150\]

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