JEE Main & Advanced Chemistry Carboxylic Acids Question Bank Properties of Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives

  • question_answer
    Order of hydrolysis for the following (I)           \[RCOCl\]                            (II)          \[RCOOR\] (III)         \[RCON{{H}_{2}}\]           (IV) \[{{(RCO)}_{2}}O\] [DPMT 2005]

    A)                 I>IV>II>III           

    B)                 I>II>III>IV

    C)                 I>III>II>IV           

    D)                 IV>III>II>I

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

               OF all the acid derivatives, acid chlorides, i.e. \[C{{H}_{3}}COCl\] is most reactive.                    The order of reactivity of acid derivatives decreases in the following order,                 \[RCOCl>{{(RCO)}_{2}}O>RCOOR>RCON{{H}_{2}}\].

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