Directions: Each question given below consists of a statement followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments a ?strong? argument is and which a ?weak? argument is. |
Statement: Should the railways in India be privatized in a phased manner like other public sector enterprises? |
Arguments: I. Yes. This is the only way to bring in competitiveness and provide better services to the public. |
II. No. This will pose a threat to the national security of our country as multinationals will enter into the fray. |
A) Only argument I is strong
B) Only argument II is strong
C) Either I or II is strong
D) Neither I nor II is strong
E) Both I and II are strong
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
Explanation Option [d] is correct. Privatization would no doubt lead to better services. But saying that this is the 'only way' is wrong. So, argument I does not hold. Argument II also seems to be vague.You need to login to perform this action.
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