UPSC Ecology And Environment Environment And Sustainable Development / पर्यावरण और सतत विकास Question Bank Sustainable Development

  • question_answer
    In the context of recently concluded sixth edition of Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development (APMCHUD), New Delhi, consider the following statements;
    I. Urban Agenda was adopted at the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, known as "Habitat III" conference
    II. APMCHUD is an intergovernmental mechanism for collaboration and cooperation in the field of housing and development among East Asia countries.
    III. It adopted Delhi Declaration and implementation plan for aligning urban development strategies of member countries with New Urban Agenda adopted at Quito, Eucador.
    IV. Asia Pacific Region accounts for 60% of the world population and 55% of global urban population.
    Find the correct answer from the given code. Code:

    A) Only I, II & IV   

    B) Only I, II & III

    C) Only I, III & IV  

    D)  All of the above

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    APMCHUD is an intergovernmental mechanism for collaboration and cooperation in the field of housing and development among Asia Pacific countries. Therefore statement II is wrong. Other statements are correct.

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