JEE Main & Advanced Sample Paper JEE Main - Mock Test - 6

  • question_answer
    The correct order of equivalent conductance at infinite dilution in water at room temperature for \[{{H}^{+}},\] \[{{K}^{+}},\]\[C{{H}_{3}}CO{{O}^{-}}\]and \[H{{O}^{-}}\] ions is

    A) \[H{{O}^{-}}>{{H}^{+}}>{{K}^{+}}>C{{H}_{3}}CO{{O}^{-}}\]

    B) \[{{H}^{+}}>{{K}^{+}}>C{{H}_{3}}CO{{O}^{-}}>H{{O}^{-}}\]

    C) \[{{H}^{+}}>{{K}^{+}}>H{{O}^{-}}>C{{H}_{3}}CO{{O}^{-}}\]

    D) \[{{H}^{+}}>{{K}^{+}}>C{{H}_{3}}CO{{O}^{-}}>H{{O}^{-}}\]

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    The order of equivalent conductance at infinite dilution is \[{{H}^{+}}>H{{O}^{-}}>{{K}^{+}}>C{{H}_{3}}CO{{O}^{-}}\]

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