JEE Main & Advanced Sample Paper JEE Main Sample Paper-32

  • question_answer
    (I)  \[{{\{MnC{{l}_{6}}\}}^{3-}},{{[Fe{{F}_{6}}]}^{3-}}\], and \[{{[Co{{F}_{6}}]}^{3-}}\]are paramagnetic having four, five and four unpaired electrons respectively.
    (II) Valence bond theory gives a quantitative interpretation of the thermodynamic stabilities of coordination compounds.
    (III) The crystal field spliting \[{{\Delta }_{o}}\], depends upon the field produced by the ligand and charge on the metal ion.
    Amongst the following correct statements are:

    A) I, III         

    B)                                    I, II

    C) I, II, III                  

    D)    II, III

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    I: As all are weak field ligands therefore all will have same number of unpaired electrons as in central metal ion.
    II : V.B.T. does not give any interpretation about etc.
    relative thermodynamic stabilities of various complex.
    This is one of the limitation of V.B.T.
    III: is correct statement.

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