SSC Sample Paper Mock Test-11 SSC CGL Tear-II Paper-1

  • question_answer
    Two guns are fired from the same place at an interval of 6 min. A person approaching the place observes that 5 min 52 s have elapsed between the hearings of the sound of the two guns. If the velocity of the sound is 330 m/s, the man was approaching that place at what speed (in km/h)?          

    A) 24

    B)  27    

    C)  30

    D)  36  

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    Difference of time \[=6\,\,\min \,\,-5\min \,\,52\,\,s=8\,\,s\] Distance covered by man in 5 min 52 s =Distance covered by sound in \[85=330\times 8=2640\,\,\text{m}\] \[\therefore \] Speed of man \[=\frac{2640\,\,\text{m}}{5\,\,\min 52\,\,\text{s}}=\frac{2640}{352}\,\,\text{m/s}\] \[=\frac{2640}{352}\times \frac{18}{5}\,\,\text{km/h}=27\text{km/h}\]

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