SSC History Sample Paper NCERT Sample Paper-1

  • question_answer
    Which one of the plays describes the love of a poor brahman Charudatta for the virtuous courtesan Vasantasena?

    A)  Malatimadhava

    B)  Mrichhakatika

    C)  Priyadarsika     

    D)  Ratnavali

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] Mrcchakatika is a ten-act Sanskrit drama attributed to Sudraka, an ancient playwright generally thought to have lived sometime between the third century BC and the fifth century AD whom the prologue identifies as a Kshatriya king and a devotee of Siva who lived for 100 years. The play is set in the ancient city of Ujjain during the reign of the King, near the end of the Pradyota dynasty that made up the first quarter of the fifth century BC. The central story is that of noble but impoverished young Brahmin,  who falls in love with a wealthy courtesan or nagarvadhu, . Despite their, mutual affection, however, the couple's lives and love are threatened when a vulgar courtier, also known as Shakara, begins to aggressively pursue .

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