SSC History Sample Paper NCERT Sample Paper-1

  • question_answer
    With reference to 'Satyagraha', consider the following statements:
    1. It was based on Marxian concept of mass mobilization
    2. Its aim of Satyagraha is the conversion of the opponent by self-suffering
    3. It is a means of triumph of soul force over brute force
    4. It involves self-chosen suffering and humiliation for the resisters and thus demands in them unusual resources of self-mastery strength of will
    Which of the statements given above are correct?

    A)  1 and 3 only    

    B)  1 and 4 only

    C)  2, 3 and 4 only

    D)         1, 3 and 4 only

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    [c] Concept of Satyagraha: (1) It rejected Marxian class war and envisaged a harmonic relation; therefore, it was based on mass mobilization irrespective of class composition. (2) The Satyagraha is consisted of two terms: Satya (truth) and Agraha (Adherence, holding fast). (3) There is fundamental difference between Satyagraha and Passive Resistance: [a] The Passive resistance is a weapon of weak and does not exclude the use of physical force or violence for the purpose of gaining one's end, whereas, the Satyagraha is the weapon of the strongest, exclude the use of violence in any shape or form. (4) The aim of Satyagraha is the conversion of the opponent by self-suffering. Its basic assumption is the essential goodness of the human nature which is bound to triumph over temporary aberration, if faced with love and suffering on the part of the opponent, or rather the victim of that temporary aberration. (5) It is a means of triumph of soul force over the brute force. (6) It involves self-chosen suffering and humiliation for the resisters and thus demands in them unusual resources of self-mastery strength of will.

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