SSC Ecology And Environment Sample Paper NCERT Sample Paper-4

  • question_answer
    Black buck in India is protected by

    A)  bhils    

    B)         bishnois

    C)  phasis  

    D)  all tribals

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] Bishnoi is a religious group found in the Western Thar Desert of India, the desert overlaps areas of Punjab, and Sindh in Pakistan. The name is derived from bis (twenty) and nai (nine) i.e. followers of 29 principles given by Guru Jambheshwar. Guru Jambheshwar gave the message to protect trees and wildlife around 540 years ago, prophesying that harming the environment means harming yourself. He formulated twenty nine tenets. The tenets were not only tailored to conserve bio-diversity of the area but also ensured a healthy eco-friendly social life for the community.

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