A) While one-third of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire every second year, one-fourth of the members of the legislative Council retire every year.
B) There is no provision for a joint sitting of the Legislative Assernbly and Legislative Council in the State while there such a provision in the case of the two Houses of parliament.
C) While no Bill other than a Money Bill can originate in the State Legislative Council, no Bill can originate in the Rajya Sabha.
D) While Rajya Sabha has twelve nominated members, the State Legislative Council has none.
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
[b] In contrast with a state's Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly), the Legislative Council is a permanent body and cannot be dissolved; each Member of the Legislative Council (MLC) serves for a six-year term, with terms staggered so that the terms of one-third of a Council's members expire every two years. This arrangement parallels that for the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India. One-sixth of the members of the council are nominated by the Governor from persons having knowledge or practical experience in fields such as literature, science, arts, the co-operative movement and social service.You need to login to perform this action.
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