SSC Geography Sample Paper NCERT Sample Paper-6

  • question_answer
    Consider the following countries
    1. U.S.A                       
    2. China
    3. Mongolia       
    4. Brazil
    5. Kazakhastan  
    6. Tanzania
    Which of the above countries are smaller than India with respect to area?

    A)  1 and 2 only    

    B)  1, 2 and 4 only

    C)  4, 5 and 6 only

    D)  3 and 6 only

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    [d] India is the seventh largest country of the world with respect to area. The top ten countries in terms of area (sq km) are as follows:
    Country Area in sq km
    Russian Federation 17,075,200
    Canada 9,984,670
    U.S.A        9,626,091
    China 9,596,961
    Brazil 8,511,965
    Australia 7,686,850
    India 3,287,263
    Kazakhstan 2,717,300
    Mongolia 1,565,000
    Tanzania 9,45,087

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