NEET Sample Paper NEET Sample Test Paper-76

  • question_answer
    Study the following chain Sun \[\Downarrow \] Given 1000 units energy to phytoplanktons \[\Downarrow \] Phytoplanktons are consumed by hebivorous zooplankton, and in turn received A unit of energy, \[\Downarrow \] Carnivorous zooplanktons eat the herbivorous zooplankton and get B unit of energy. \[\Downarrow \] Carnivorous fish takes carnivorous zooplanktons and received C unit of energy. \[\Downarrow \] In last, Tunas find their turn and engulf carnivore fishes to get D unit of energy. Sun \[\Downarrow \] Given 1000 units energy to phytoplanktons \[\Downarrow \] Phytoplanktons are consumed by hebivorous zooplankton, and in turn received A unit of energy, \[\Downarrow \] Carnivorous zooplanktons eat the herbivorous zooplankton and get B unit of energy. \[\Downarrow \] Carnivorous fish takes carnivorous zooplanktons and received C unit of energy. \[\Downarrow \] In last, Tunas find their turn and engulf carnivore fishes to get D unit of energy. Identify A, B, C and D If
    I. 0.1 unit                      II. 10 unit
    III. 100 unit                    IV. 1 unit

    A)  A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I      

    B)  A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II

    C)  A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I      

    D)  Given information is not sufficient to answer

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    The actual fractions or percentages of energy from food at one level converted to energy from food at the next level is approximately \[10\,%\].

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