NEET Sample Paper NEET Sample Test Paper-76

  • question_answer
    Identify the incorrect statement(s) from following options
    I. Glycolate is formed, in illuminated chloroplast of \[{{C}_{3}}\] plants.
    II. For every 2 glycolate molecules that leaves the chloroplast, one glycerate, derived from glycolate
    III. One of the 4 carbons from the two glycolates is lost as\[C{{O}_{2}}\].
    IV. As 3-phosphoglycerate, the 3 remaining carbons can reenter the Calvin cycle.

    A)  II and IV                      

    B)  I and III

    C)  None of these statement is false              

    D)  I and II

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    Glycolate is formed in illuminated chloroplasts of\[{{\operatorname{C}}_{3}}-plants\], by the sequential action of ribulose-1, 5 bisphosphate oxygenare and phosphoglycolate phosphatase. All others statements are also true.

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