SSC Sample Paper SSC CGL - Sample Paper-10

  • question_answer
    Direction: Some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives.
    It looks like the trail that leads to a magical land. The path climbs out of the forest \[\underline{\mathbf{181}}\] white and yellow butterflies flutter \[\underline{\mathbf{182}}\] the hanging creepers. It emerges on a \[\underline{\mathbf{183}}\] meadow basking in the sun. \[\underline{\mathbf{184}}\] this is no fairy-tale country. The \[\underline{\mathbf{185}}\] inhabitants of the meadows \[\underline{\mathbf{186}}\] barely living human skeletons with sunken fevered \[\underline{\mathbf{187}}\] and clothed in filthy and \[\underline{\mathbf{188}}\] rags. They are the refugees who have \[\underline{\mathbf{189}}\] to flee deeper into Thailand and have \[\underline{\mathbf{190}}\] instead to stay close to their Cambodian homeland in spite of all the dangers and hardships they face everyday.

    A)  stony               

    B)  beautiful

    C)  Gaudy             

    D)  dry

    Correct Answer: B

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