SSC Sample Paper SSC CGL - Sample Paper-12

  • question_answer
    The volume of a right circular cylinder whose height is 40 cm and circumference of its base is 66 cm, is

    A) \[55440\,c{{m}^{3}}\]             

    B) \[3465\,c{{m}^{3}}\]

    C) \[7720\,c{{m}^{3}}\]              

    D) \[13860\,c{{m}^{3}}\]

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    Circumference of the base, \[C=2\pi r\] Where r = radius of the base or         \[r=\frac{C}{2\pi }\] Given,             \[C=66\,cm,\]             \[h=40\,cm\] Volume \[=\pi {{r}^{2}}h\]             \[=\pi {{\left( \frac{C}{2\pi } \right)}^{2}}h+\frac{{{C}^{2}}h}{4\pi }\]             \[=\frac{66\times 66\times 40}{4\times \frac{22}{7}}c{{m}^{3}}\]             \[=7\times 3\times 66\times 10\,c{{m}^{3}}\]             \[=13860\,c{{m}^{3}}\]

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