SSC Sample Paper SSC CGL - Sample Paper-12

  • question_answer
    Water is flowing at the rate of 5 km/h through a pipe of diameter 14 cm into a rectangular tank which is 50 m long, 44m wide. The time taken, in hours, for the rise in the level of water in the tank to be 7 cm is

    A) 2         

    B) \[1\frac{1}{2}\]

    C) 3                                 

    D) \[2\frac{1}{2}\]

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    Water flowed by the pipe in 1 h \[=\pi {{r}^{2}}h\] \[=\frac{22}{7}\times \frac{7\times 7}{100\times 100}\times 5000\,{{m}^{3}}=77\,{{m}^{3}}\] Volume of expected water in the tank             \[=\frac{50\times 44\times 7}{100}=154\,{{m}^{3}}\] \[\therefore \] Required time \[=\frac{154}{77}=2\,h\]                   

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