SSC Sample Paper SSC CGL - Sample Paper-12

  • question_answer
    Marked price of an article is Rs. 275. Shopkeeper allows a discount of 5% and he gets a profit of 4.5%. The actual cost of the article is

    A) 250                  

    B) 225

    C) 215                              

    D) 210

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    CP of article = Rs. x(let) \[\therefore \]      \[\frac{x\times 104.5}{100}=\frac{275\times 95}{100}\] \[\Rightarrow \]   \[x\times 104.5=275\times 95\] \[\Rightarrow \]   \[x=\frac{275\times 95}{104.5}=Rs.\,250\]         

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