A) Define the jurisdiction of the Central and Provincial governments.
B) Define the powers of the Secretary of State for India.
C) Impose censorship on national press.
D) Improve the relationship between the government of India and the Indian States.
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
Exp. [d] A three -member committee headed by Harcourt Butler, appointed on December 16, 1927 to examine the relationship between the native states and the paramount power. It gave the following recommendations Paramountcy must remain supreme. States should not be handed over to an Indian government in British India, responsible to an Indian Legislature. But it could be done with the consent of states. It must fulfill its obligation, adopting and defining itself according to the shifting necessities of time and progressive development of states. The Viceroy was made the Crown's agent in dealing with states.You need to login to perform this action.
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