11th Class English Silk Road - Nick Middleton

  • question_answer 1)
    Give reasons for the following.   1. The article has been titled 'Silk Road'.    2. Tibetan Mastiffs were popular in China's imperial courts.   3. The author's experience at Hor was in stark contrast to earlier accounts of the place.   4. The author was disappointed with Darchen.   5. The author thought that his positive thinking strategy worked well after all.    


    1. The article has been titled 'Silk Road'.  All along the route from Ravu to Mansarovar, the places that the author saw were festooned with white silk scarves and prayer flags. Also, Hor, was situated on the main East-West highway. It was the old trade route from Lhasa to Kashmir. Silk was one of the main export items. Hence, it came to be known as 'Silk Road'.    2. Tibetan Mastiffs were popular in China's imperial courts. Tibetan Mastiffs were huge black dogs that .guarded the tents of the nomads. They were shaggy monsters who would speed directly to the target like a bullet from a gun. Their bark was ferocious and they were completely fearless. They used to chase away invaders. Their ferociousness made them popular in China's imperial courts as hunting dogs. They were brought along 'Silk Road' in ancient times as a tribute from Tibet.   3. The author's experience at Hor was in stark contrast to earlier accounts of the place. Previous travellers Ekai Kawaguchi, a Japanese monk, Sven Hadin, a Swede, were so moved by the sanctity of the lake that they had a sentimental outburst. But the author found Hor, which was situated on the shore of lake Mansarovar a grim and miserable place. There was no vegetation whatsoever, just dust and rocks liberally scattered with years of accumulated refuse.   4. The author was disappointed with Darchen. Darchen was partially derelict and punctuated by heaps of rubble and refuse. The author was disappointed because it was not the tourist season and there were no pilgrims.   5. The author thought that his positive thinking strategy worked well after all. The author was not willing to do the Kora all by himself. When he met Norbu and the latter told him his purpose to come to Mansarovar, the author was delighted. Norbu told him that both of them could be a team to do the Kora. This made the author think that his positive thinking strategy had worked. Briefly comment on

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