11th Class English Silk Road - Nick Middleton

  • question_answer 1)
    Briefly comment on 1. The purpose of the author's journey to Mount Kailash.   2. The author's physical condition in Darchen..    3. The author's meeting with Norbu.   4. Tsetan's support to the author during the journey.   5. "As a Buddhist, he told me, he knew that it didn't really matter if I passed away, but he thought it would be bad for business."  


     1. The purpose of the author's journey to Mount Kailash. Answer The purpose of the author's journey to Mount Kailash was to complete the Kora, which was a sacred religious ritual according to Hindu and Buddhist tradition.   2. The author's physical condition in Darchen.. The author suffered a cold, which made him very uncomfortable., He had problems in breathing, especially when lying down. He felt that if he went to sleep, he would never wake up.    3. The author's meeting with Norbu. The author was sitting in a cafe in Darchen when he met Norbu. He was delighted to meet him since Norbu was also planning to do Kora. Norbu, who worked in Beijing at the Chlinese Academy of Social Sciences, had written papers on Kailash Kora.   4. Tsetan's support to the author during the journey. Tsetan was driving the vehicle for the author. He was a very efficient driver and managed to drive the tough terrains without any mishaps. Further in Darchen, when the author felt terribly sick, he tended well and took him to the doctor whose medicines cured the author.   5. "As a Buddhist, he told me, he knew that it didn't really matter if I passed away, but he thought it would be bad for business." These were Tsetan's words spoken to the author. After the author's sickness was cured, Tsetan wanted to go to Lhasa. By saying these words, he showed his caring attitude towards the author and at the same time, he firmly reinstated that he was a Buddhist, who believed that physical death was not death in the real sense. However, he thought that the death of a tourist could affect his business as a taxi driver, badly.  

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