12th Class Chemistry Chemistry in Everyday Life / दैनिक जीवन में रसायन

  • question_answer 36)
    How do antiseptics differ from disinfectants? Give oneexample of each. 


    Antiseptics are the chemical substance which prevent thegrowth of microorganisms and are capable of killing them withoutharming the human tissues. These are applied on wounds, ulcers, cutsand diseased skin surfaces. Examples: Dettol, savlon, furacin,saframycin etc. Disinfectants are the chemical substances which killmicroorganisms but they are unsafe for living tissues. These are usedfor the objects as in toilets, drains, floors etc. For example: Phenol > 1% solution) and chlorine (0.2 to 0.4 ppm). Note The same substance can behave as antiseptic and disinfectant.  

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