12th Class English Deep Water - William Douglas

  • question_answer 1)
    How does Douglas make clear to the reader the sense of panic that gripped him as he almost drowned? Describe the details that have made the description vivid?  


    Douglas was thrown into the deep end of the pool by a big and strong boy. He landed in a sitting position, swallowing water and went at once to the bottom) As he wassailing to the bottom of the pool, he decided to make a big jump, come to the surface, lie fIat on it, and paddle to the edge of the pool. At this point, he was frightened but not scared out of his wits)   But the nine .feet depth of the pool was more like ninety, and before he touched the bottom his lungs were ready to burst. Gathering all his strength he tried to Jump) However, unlike what he had thought, he came up slowly. On opening his eyes he saw nothing but water. He was terrified and suffocated. He tried to scream but in vain as his mouth was in water.   He thrashed at the surface of the water but his legs seemed to hang as dead weights to his body, refusing to move. He was being pulled under water, to the bottom of the pool.   Breathless, he hit at the water with all his strength. His lungs and head ached and he began feeling dizzy. He-attempted to repeat his strategy but was once again unsuccessful. This time when he went down, he was inexpiably terrified. He felt sheer stark terror, terror that knew no understanding no control. He was paralysed—stiff, rigid with fear. The only sign of life was the pulsating in his head. In the midst of terror came a touch of reason.   He tried for the third time with all his strength. But it made no difference. He was still in water. He groped around for something but felt only water. He felt even more terrorized and his limbs refused to move. He tried to call for help but nothing happened, (then, strangely, he saw light that meant he was coming out of the awful yellow water. His eyes and nose were almost out. But this was short-lived as for the third time he was being pulled down. Helplessly, he stopped making an effort. He just let go—his legs felt limp and blackness swept over him. The writer makes the description vivid by giving graphic details of the situation and his fear 

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