12th Class English Deep Water - William Douglas

  • question_answer 1)
    How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?    


    Douglas overcame his fear of water through sheer determination. The experience he had, as a child of three or Jour, had left an indelible imprint on his mind. This was aggravated by the experience that he had when he was thrown into the pool. This would paralyse him whenever he attempted going into the water. His instructor taught him to swim yet he would be terror-stricken when he was alone in the pool. He swam tirelessly up and down the length of the pool but he was not sure that all the terror had left.(So he went to Lake Wentworth, in New Hampshire, and swam two miles across the lake to Stamp Act Island. Only once did he feel the fear, when he was in the middle of the lake, but he confronted it and swam on. To ascertain that he had overcome it completely, he went up to Meade Glacier, and dived into the Warm Lake. This assured him that he had accomplished his desire to overcome his fear of watery 

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