12th Class English The Enemy

  • question_answer 1)
    How would you explain the reluctance of the solider to leave the shelter of the doctors home even when he couldn’t stay there without risk to the doctor and to himself?    


    As the American, Tom, recovered from his wound, he was weak and terrified so Hana reassured him .When he asked her how she could speak English, she told him that she had been in America for a long time She fed him gently and comforted him, while Sadao tended to him as a doctor although he could not explain why he was doing so.   Soon the soldier began trusting them. He felt if he hadn't met a Japanese like Sadao he wouldn't have been alive. He said, 'I guess if all the Japs were like you there wouldn't have been a war. When the General tells Sadao that he would send assassins to his house, Sadao slept badfy expecting assassins. After telling the soldier of his plan to escape, the answer he got was, 'So I have to?' Again, when Sadao reveals his plan he says, 'I realize you are saving my life again.' Sadao also told him how to safeguard himself.   Human beings are complicated because of their inherent ability to reason. Logic and reason do not always determine actions. Often decisions and actions are governed by irrational emotions, which one may not be able to explain or justify even to oneself. In this story (Tom bonds with the Japanese as humans who have looked after him.)The human in him surfaces over the soldier in him. 

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