12th Class English The Enemy

  • question_answer 1)
    What explains the attitude of the ruthless General in the matter of the enemy soldier? Was it human consideration, lack of national loyalty, dereliction of duty, or simply self-absorption?  


    "The General was a highly self-absorbed man. He had kept the doctor in the country primarily because he needed medical attention. For the doctor, he decided to get rid of the soldier. When Sadao told him about the successful operation of the American, the General was happy because that was a reassurance of Sadao's professional skill and that was what made Sadao 'even more important' as he would be requiring his help. His self absorption comes to the forefront again when he asked what would happen if Sadao were condemned to death and the next day, he had to be operated upon. He was scheming and decided to get the soldier killed by his private assassins.   Later when Sadao informed the General about Tom's escape, a week after his emergency operation, the General admitted that he had promised to get him killed but-curing his suffering, Ye 'thought of nothing but myself (himself), and forgot my (his) promise'. He was worried that the doctor should stand by him in case the matter was publicized. For this, he promised to reward Sadao. 

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