Category : 2nd Class
Antonyms means opposite. To write antonyms of a word, you have to write just opposite of that word. For example: Bad is the opposite of good.
Look at the following words and their antonyms
Word Antonyms
1. Before After
2. Disagree Agree
3. End Begin
4. Worst Best
5. Praise Blame
6. Open Close
7. Shallow Deep
8. Admit Deny
9. Dawn Dusk
10. Hard Easy
11. Full Empty
12. Enter Exit
13. Dark Bright
14. True False
15. Last First
16. Smile Frown
17. Partial Entire
18. Cold Heat
19. Low High
20. Cruel Kind
21. More Less
22. Few Many
23. Generous Stingy
24. Least Most
25. Disobey Obey
26. Adulterated Pure
27. Front Rear
28. Dangerous Safe
29. Spend Save
30. Float Sink
31. Big Small
32. Fresh Stale
33. Thin Thick
34. Fat Thin
35. Attractive Ugly
36. Narrow Wide
37. Difficult Easy
38. Forth Back
39. Ahead Behind
40. Tense Happy
What is the antonym of the word written in capital letters?
(A) Look
(B) Infront
(C) Rear
(D) None of these
Answer: (c)
Explanation :
Antonyms affront is rear. Therefore, option (C) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.
What is the antonym of the word written in capital letters?
(A) Generous
(B) Cruel
(C) Fair
(D) None of these
Answer: (b)
Explanation :
Antonym of kind is cruel. Therefore, option (B) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.
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