2nd Class Mathematics Ones and Tens Identifying Hundreds in a Number

Identifying Hundreds in a Number

Category : 2nd Class

*    Identifying Hundreds in a Number


Let's understand it through an example:

If we have, then is the digit at the place of hundreds.


Take another example:

In is the digit at the place of hundreds.

Thus it is clear from the above mentioned examples that without havingdigits number, we cannot determine the digit positioning at the place of hundreds. It must be noted that in a three or more digit numbers, the digit at the place of hundreds is the 3rd from the right side.  



Inis the digit at the place of hundreds.

Inis the digit at the place of hundreds.

Inis the digit at the place of hundreds.

And the rule goes the same for any or more digit numbers.

Now you know about ones, tens and hundreds. Now find ones, tens and hundreds in a single number.  


For example, in is the digit at the place of onesis the digit at the place of tens andis the digit at the place of hundreds. It can be presented in the following way:  

hashundreds,tens andones.


Similarly in 256,  

hashundreds,tens andones.

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