Category : 4th Class
Antonyms are also called opposite. A word, which is the opposite of another word, is called antonym.
For example: Opposite/antonym of 'hot' is 'cold'. Antonym of 'beautiful' is 'ugly'
Below given is a list of words and their antonyms
Words Antonyms
1. Above Below
2. Absent Present
3. Ability Inability
4. Accept Refuse/Reject
5. Advance Retreat
6. Advantage Disadvantage
7. Adversity Prosperity
8. Agree Disagree/Differ
9. Allow Disallow
10. Alive Dead
11. All None
12. Always Never
13. Ancient Modern
14. Appear Disappear
15. Attractive Repulsive
16. Bad Good
17. Barbarous Civilized
18. Beautiful ugly
19. Begin End
20. Big Small
21. Bid Timid
22. Brave Coward
23. Buy sell
24. Care Neglect
25. Cheap costly
26. Clean Dirty
27. Clever Stupid
28. Cool warm
29. Danger safety
30. Dark Bright
31. Day Night
32. Death Birth
33. Deep Shallow
34. Difficult Easy
35. Early Late
36. Empty Pull
37. Far Near
38. Fat Thin
39. Foolish Wise
40. Gain Loss
41. Glory Shame
42. Go Come
43. Good gad
44. Great Small
45. Heaven Nell
46. High Low
47. Hot Cold
48. Import Export
49. Joy Sorrow
50. Kind Cruel
51. Laugh Weep
52. Legal Illegal
53. Lend Borrow
54. Lie Truth
55. Majority Minority
56. Masculine Feminine
57. Maximum Minimum
58. Motion Rest
59. Natural Artificial
60. Obey Disobey
61. Odd Even
62. Oral Written
63. Open Shut
64. Pleasure Pain
65. Present Absent
66. Profit Loss
67. Pure Impure
68. Quick Slow
69. Regular Irregular
70. Reward Punishment
71. Rich poor
72. Right Wrong/Left
73. Rise Fall
74. Safe Unsafe
75. Sleep Awake
76. Slow Fast
77. Temporary Permanent
78. Thick Thin
79. Top Bottom
80. Trust Distrust / Doubt
81. Truth Untruth
82. Up Down
83. Victory Defeat
84. War Peace
85. Warm Cool
86. Weak Strong
87. Wet Dry
88. Wide Narrow
89. Wild Domestic
90. Wise Foolish
91. Young Old
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