Category : 4th Class
Proper sentences are made up of words. In jumbled sentences words are not arranged in a proper order. These words are jumbled. The student is expected to look at the jumbled words, comprehend the meaning implied, and arrange the words in proper order to make a meaningful sentence.
Answer: I dreamt that I lived in marble halls.
1. Identify the subject. I dreamt.
2. Identify the action. Lived in halls.
3. Make the sentence. I dreamt that I lived in marble halls.
Rearrange the words and make a meaningful sentence.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Said / the child/ that / leave /the mother / alone / could not / she.
The mother said that she could not leave the child alone.
2. After / they / had / the theatre / begun / reached / show / the.
They reached the theatre after the show had begun.
3. Pond/jumped/the dog/into the
The dog jumped into the pond.
4. The bag/against/threw/the wall/He.
He threw the bag against the wall.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5. Shakespeare / greater/ all / poets / than / is / other/the.
Shakespeare is greater than all the other poets.
6. Bridge / over / is a / there / the stream.
There is a bridge over the stream.
7. Pay/you/on time /dues/must/the.
You must pay the dues on time.
8. Hockey / evening / we/ a / match / last / play.
We played a hockey match last evening.
9. Last/met/Sunday/her/you.
You met her last Sunday.
10. Metal / useful / is a / steel / very.
Steel is a very useful metal.
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