9th Class Social Science The Process of Community Planning for Disaster Important Terms and Concepts - The Process of Community Planning for Disaster

Important Terms and Concepts - The Process of Community Planning for Disaster

Category : 9th Class


The Process of Community Planning for Disaster




  1. Community Planning: A forward planning process which identifies human and material resources and puts in place potential response system.
  2. Contingency Planning Exercise: A forum and opportunity for all sections of the society to participate in the contribution to the planning process.
  3. Village Disaster Management Committee: Formed in each village, it is responsible for initiating disaster preparedness activities.
  4. Resource Mapping: It focuses on the locally available resources and assets that can be utilised for building the capabilities of the community during and after disasters.
  5. Mock drills: A series of actions usually tried out as a dummy exercise according to a-set plan.
  6. BDO: Block Development Officer.
  7. SHC: Self Help Group.
  8. PHC: Primary Health Centre.
  9. VDMC: Village Disaster Management Committee.
  10. PRA: Participatory Rural Appraisal.
  11. SOPs: Standard Operating Procedures

Important Terms and Concepts - The Process of Community Planning for Disaster

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