SSC Quantitative Aptitude Average Question Bank Average (II)

  • question_answer
    A team of 8 persons joins in a shooting competition. The best marksman scored 85 points. If he had scored 92 points, the average score for the team would have been 84. The number of points the team scored was [SSC CGL Tier II, 2017]

    A) 672

    B) 665

    C) 645

    D) 588

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] Let marks scored by team \[=x\] According to the question, \[\frac{x-85+92}{8}=84\] \[\Rightarrow \]   \[x+7=672\]\[\Rightarrow \]\[x=672-7\]\[\Rightarrow \]\[x=665\]

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