NEET Sample Paper NEET Sample Test Paper-76

  • question_answer
    If length of rod X is \[\left( 2.25 \pm  0.02 \right)\]cm and that of Y is \[\left( 5.19 \pm  0.02 \right)\] cm, then rod Y is longer then rod X by

    A)  \[\left( 2.94 \pm  0.02 \right)\]     

    B)  \[\left( 2.94 \pm  0.00 \right)\]

    C)  \[\left( 2.94 \pm 0.04 \right)\]      

    D)  None of these

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    Given length of rod X is \[{{L}_{x}} = 2.25 \pm  0.02\] and length of rod \[{{L}_{y}} =5.19 \pm  0.02\] Rod y is longer, then rod X by length \[\Delta L={{L}_{y}}-{{L}_{x}}\] \[=\,\,\,\left( 5.19 \pm \,\,0.02 \right)-\left( 2.25 \pm \,\,0.02 \right)\] \[=\,\,\left( 2.94 \pm \,\,0.04 \right) cm\]

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