Kinds of Noun
Category : 4th Class
There are five kinds of noun. These are:
Proper Noun
Proper noun is the name of a particular person, animal, place or thing.
In the sentences given above Barrack Obama is the name of a particular person, Alto is the name of a car, China is the name of a country and the Bible is the name of a book. So they are all proper nouns.
Proper noun always begins with a capital letter, even in the middle of the sentence.
Common Noun
A common noun is a word, which is commonly used to name people, places, things, or ideas. They are not the names of a single person, place or thing. A common noun begins with a lowercase letter unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.
In the above given sentences doctor indicates a class of person, elephant indicates a class of animals, car indicates a class of vehicle; and school indicates a class of educational institution. So these are common nouns.
A common noun begins with a lowercase letter unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.
Collective Noun
A collective noun is the singular word, which is used for a group of people or things.
In the above given sentences team, crowd and bunch are the group of personand things respectively. So these are collective nouns. The word team stands for a group of players. The word crowd stands for a group of people. The word bunch stands for a collection of keys.
For example: Tables, chairs, cupboards etc. are grouped under the collective noun furniture.
For example: Groups of people - army, audience, band, choir, class, committee, crew, family, gang, jury, orchestra, police, staff, team, etc.
Groups of animals - colony, flock, herd, pack, pod, school, swarm, etc.
Groups of things - bunch, bundle, clump, pair, set, stack, etc.
Below given is a list of collective noun
An army of soldiers A band of musicians
A class of students A gang of thieves / robbers
A crowd of people A flock of sheep
A team of players A bouquet of flowers
A regiment of soldiers A bunches of keys
A bundle of sticks A fleet of ships
A pack of cards A herd of cattle
A shower of rain A pair of shoes
A heap of grass
Material Noun
Material Noun is the name of a substance which can be measured or weighed, but cannot be counted.
In the above given sentences milk, cloth, tea and iron are the names of substances (materials). They can be measured or weighed, but cannot be counted. So these are material nouns.
Below given is a list of material noun
Gold Silver
Copper Rice
Wheat Rain
Cloth Rope
Sugar Water
Abstract Noun
An abstract noun is the name of some state, quality, feeling or idea that we can only think of or feel, but cannot touch or see. Abstract nouns are usually used in singular form.
In the above given sentences, the words honesty, pain and length are also nouns. But they do not name any person, animal, place or thing. They name qualities, states, ideas, which we can only think of, but cannot touch or see. So these are abstract nouns.
Abstract noun has got no physical existence.
Below given is a list of abstract noun
Childhood Wisdom
Goodness Kindness
Ability Energy
Intelligence Adventure
Amazement Anxiety
Forgiveness Luck
Sorrow Honesty
Point out the nouns in the following sentences:
(A) The crowd was very big
(B) Always speak the truth
(C) We all love honesty
(D) Our class consists of twenty pupils
(E) The elephant has great strength
Answer: (A) Crowd, (B) Truth, (C) Honesty, (D) Class, twenty pupils, (E) Elephant, strength
Fill in the blanks with noun.
(A) Our _______ is better than theirs
(B) Never tell a __________.
(C) _______ is better than strength
(D) He gave me a _______.
Answer: (A) Team, (B) Lie, (C) Wisdom, (D) Bunch of papers.
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