Other Analogies
Category : 4th Class
Quantity and Unit
1. Mass : kilogram 10. Time : Second
2. Force: Newton 11. Current: Ampere
3. Energy : Joule 12. Luminosity : Canadela
4. Resistance : Ohm 13. Pressure : Pascal
5. Volume : Litre 14. Area : Hectare
6. Angle : Radians 15. Temperature : Degrees
7. Power: Watt 16. Conductivity: Mho
8. Potential: Volt 17. Magnetic field : Oersted
9. Work: Jule 18. Length: Metre
Individual and Group
1. Cattle: Herd 7. Sheep: Flock
2. Flowers: Bouquet 8. Riders : Cavalcade
3. Grapes : Bunch 9. Bees : Swarm
4. Singer: Chorus 10. Man: Crowd
5. Artist: Troupe 11. Soldiers : Army
6. Fish: Shoal 12. Nomads: Horde
13. Sailors : Crew
Male and Female
1. Dog : Bitch 6. Drone : Bee
2. Stag : Doe 7. Gentleman: Lady
3. Son: Daughter 8. Nephew: Niece
4. Lion : Lioness 9. Tiger : Tigress
5. Sorcerer: Sorceress 10. Horse : Male
Individual and Class
1. Man.-Mammal 4. Butterfly: Insect
2. Ostrich : Bird 5. whale : Mammal
3. Snake : Reptile 6. Rat: Rodent
7. Lizard : Reptile
Study and Topic
1. Seismology : Earthquakes 18. Entomology : Insects
2. Botany : Plants 19. Zoology : Animals
3. Onomatology : Names 20. Occultism : Supernatural
4. Ethnology : Human races 21. Ology : Egg
5. Ontology : Reality 22. Virology : Viruses
6. Herpetology: Amphibians 23. Malacology :Molluscs
7. Pathology : Diseases 24. Palaeontology : Fossils
8. Astrology: Future 25. Pedology : Soil
9. Anthropology: Man 26. Taxonomy : Classification
10. Palaeography: Ancintwriting 27. Orography: Mountains
11. Ichthyology : Fishes 28. Selenography: Moon
12. Semantics : Linguistic development 29. Eccrinology : Secretions
13. Nephrology: Kidney 30. Histology : Tissues
14. Conchology : Skull 31. Nidology : Nests
15. Haematology : Blood 32. Cardiology : Heart
16. Craniology : Skull 33. Phycology : Algae
17. Mycology : Fungi 34. Bryology : Bryophytes
35. Ornithology : Birds
Part and Whole Relationship
1. Pencil : Lead 5. Room : Window
2. House : Kitchen 6. Aeroplane: Cockpit
3. Fan : Blade 7. Book: Chapter
4. Class: Desk 8. Pen: Nib
Part and Whole Relationship
1. Wish : Desire 7. Famous: Renowned
2. Kindle: Burn 8. Unhappy: Sad
3. Sink: Drown 9. Refuse : Deny
4. Quarrel: War 10. Crime : Sin
5. Error: Blunder 11. Moist: Drench
6. Anger: Rage
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