Category : 4th Class
In this type of questions, two words are given. These words are related to each other in profession. Below given are the examples of analogy based on' profession'.
1. Farmer: Field 12. Teacher: School
2. Warrior: Battlefield 13. Doctor: Hospital
3. Engineer: Site 14. Clerk : Office
4. Sailor: Ship 15. Servant: House
5. Pilot: Cockpit 16. Driver: Cabin
6. Beautician : Parlour 17. Grocer: Shop
7. Artist: Theatre 18. Painter: Gallery
8. Actor: Stage 19. Waiter: Restaurant
9. Medicine : Garage 20. Worker: Factory
10. Lawyer: Court 21. Umpire : Pitch
11. Scientist: Laboratory 22. Gambler: Casino
Doctor is related to Patient in the same way Lawyer is related to?
(A) Customer
(B) Accused
(C) Magistrate
(D) Client
(E) Doctor
Answer: (d)
Lawyer is related to Client.
Chef is related to Restaurant in the same way Druggist is related to _______?
(A) Medicine
(B) Pharmacy
(C) Store
(D) Chemist
(E) Restaurant
Answer: (a)
Explanation: Druggist is related to Medicine.
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