Financial markets are classified on the basis of the maturity of financial instruments traded on them. Financial securities with maturity period of more than one year are trader in which type of financial market.
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What is BIS?
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What is meant by 'Universal applicability of principles of management'?
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All advertising is a social waste.' Comment on the statement.
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Name the organisation structure in which training of employee is easier.
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What was the main reason behind implementation of demonetisation policy in Indie in 1978?
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"To see whether plans are being implemented and activities are being performed according to schedule", is a step of planning process. Identify the step.
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Through which social process individual group obtains what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others?
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"Controlling is a critical function of management which ensures the success of any organisation." In the light of this sentence, briefly explain any three importance of controlling.
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Samiksha and Amit were both working in a multi-national company. Samiksha was a hard worker and was soon quite proficient in her work. At the time of performance appraisal, the performance of Samiksha was judged better than Amit. Even then, their boss Mr Raj Kashyap decided to promote Amit, stating that being a female Samiksha would not be able to handle the complications of a higher post.
(i) Identify and explain the principle of management which was not being followed by the company. |
(ii) State two effects of violating the principle. |
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Explain how planning is a 'mental exercise'.
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Distinguish between time study and motion study.
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What do you understand by 'operating cycle'?
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"Management is a process of getting things done effectively and efficiently." In the light of the above sentence, explain the concept of effectiveness and efficiency with the help of an example. Also state how they are complementary to each other.
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Diwali, Eid, Holi and Christmas are auspicious occasions in our country. People are in a festive mood during this period and are willing to spend more. Producers are offering varieties of sweets, dishes, cards, gifts, clothes and many more products, to satisfy the diverse needs of the consumers and also earn profits in return.
(i) What values of customers are satisfied in the above case? |
(ii) Why is it necessary to study such values for a business unit? |
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Sunil, the marketing manager of a reputed watch company, faces the problem of selecting the channel of distribution for the company's new expensive watch. Which channel should he select? Give two reasons in support of your answer and also discuss any two factors which determine the choice of channel.
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Kamal is the production manager of Fairly Glow Ltd, which is engaged in the production of cosmetics. The profits of the company are continuously declining. Therefore, the directors of Fairly Glow have decided to take stern steps to reduce costs and increase sales. These decisions have been transferred downline and immediate actions is asked to be taken. Kamal is producing a fairness cream and decides to use a very cheap and harmful ingredient which affects the skin of the customer to reduce the variable cost. Does Government of India provide any law and legislation to protect the interest of consumer? Which right of consumer has the company overlooked in this case?
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Identify the plans and explain them with the help of an example.
(i) They are strict and there is no scope for discretion. |
(ii) It provides a prescribed manner in which a task has to be performed. |
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Marketing companies make use of a number of promotional tools to popularise various products according to their nature, use, size of market, financial resources, target market, media etc. Identify and explain the promotional tool of marketing mix which plays a persuasive, service and informative role and thereby link a business firm to its customers. Also, explain by giving any three reasons how this tool helps in increasing the sales of businessmen.
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Due to steep increase in Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by the RBI, HDFC Bank is facing acute shortage of cash which may result in imposition of penalty by RBI and a loss of goodwill. Being the financial advisor of the bank, advise that how can it meet these short-term obligations, along with reasons in support of your answer. Also mention any two values that are fulfilled by money market instruments.
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A newly promoted company, dealing in garments have ascertained the fund requirements to procure fixed assets as well as cater the day-to-day expense of the business. However the manager has not yet decided upon the sources of finance to be used. The decision regarding determination of sources of finance is dependent on many factors. Discuss any five such factors.
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Define a formal organisation. Name and define an organisation which emerges within the boundaries of a formal organisation, when people interact beyond their officially assigned roles, also give three importance of it.
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Sahil, the director of a garments company, is planning to manufacture bags for the utilisation of waste material from one of his garment unit. He decided that this manufacturing unit will be set-up in a rural area of Odisha, where people have less job opportunities and because of this labour is available at very low rate. He also thought of giving equal opportunities to men and women. For this, he selected S Chatterjee, Inderjeet Kaur, Aslam and Sarabjeet as heads of sales, accounts, purchase and production departments.
(i) Identify and state the next two steps that Sahil has to follow in the staffing process after selecting the above heads. |
(ii) What benefits does a company derive by following the process of staffing? |
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RK & Co Ltd is engaged in manufacturing machine components. The target production is 300 units daily. The company had been successfully attaining this target until two months ago. Over the last few months, it has been observed that daily production varies between 150-200 units. (i) Identify the possible causes for the decline in production and the steps to be taken to achieve the desired targets. (ii) Which function of management is being discussed in the above question?
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Discuss in briefly the different styles of leadership.
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