Category : 2nd Class
There are two types of genders. They are the following:
Boy is male Girl is female
King is male Queen is a female
Some common examples of masculine and feminine gender:
Masculine or Male Feminine or Female
Boy Girl
Father Mother
Husband Wife
Sir Madam
King Queen
Lion Lioness
Tiger Tigress
He She
Dog Bitch
Cock Hen
Actor Actress
Prince Princess
Hero Heroine
Waiter Waitress
Widower Widow
From question 1 to 2 change the gender.
(A) Princes
(B) Princess
(C) Princesses
(D) None of these
Answer : (b)
Explanation :
Female of prince is princess. Therefore, option (B) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.
(A) Nice
(B) Niece
(C) Nices
(D) None of these
Answer: (b)
Explanation :
Female of nephew is niece. Therefore, option (B) is correct and rest of the option is incorrect.
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