Category : 2nd Class
How to Change Singular to Plural:
Rule - 1
Make plural by using "s"
Singular Plural
Book Books
Pen Pens
Table Tables
Toy Toys
Singular Plural
Boat Boats
Hat Hats
House Houses
River Rivers
Rule - 2
Make plural by using "es" (if S, O, X and SS come in the end of a word then use "es" to make plural)
Singular Plural
Gas Gases
Watch Watches
Box Boxes
Glass Glasses
Singular Plural
Class Classes
Echo Echoes
Branch Branches
Box Boxes
Watch Watches
Buffalo Buffaloes
Hero Heroes
Rule - 3
Make plural by using "ves in the place of f or fe" (If f or fe comes in the end of a word then remove f or fe and use "ves" to make plural)
Singular Plural
Knife Knives
Leaf Leaves
Singular Plural
Knife Knives
Calf Calves
Wife Wives
Wolf Wolves
Leaf Leaves
Shelf Shelves
Rule - 4
Make plural by using "ies in the place of y" (If y comes in the end of a word then remove y and use "ies" to mate plural)
Singular Plural
City Cities
Lady Ladies
Baby Babies
Singular Plural
Baby Babies
Army Armies
Story stories
City cities
Lady Ladies
Pony ponies
There are some irregular formations for noun plurals. Some of the most common ones are listed below.
Examples of irregular plurals:
Singular Plural
Woman Women
Man Men
Child Children
Tooth Teeth
Foot Feet
Cactus Cacti
Focus Foci
Fungus Fungi
Nucleus Nuclei
Syllabus Syllabi/Syllabuses
Analysis Analyses
Diagnosis Diagnoses
Oasis Oases
This These
crisis Crises
Phenomenon Phenomena
Criterion Criteria
Datum Data
Some nouns have the same form in the singular and the plural.
Singular Plural
Sheep Sheep
Fish Fish
Species Species
Aircraft Aircraft
Singular Plural
Swine Swine
Deer Deer
In question 1 and 2 change the given word in plural.
(A) Deers
(B) Deer
(C) Deeres
(D) None of these
Answer: (b)
Explanation :
Plural of deer is deer. Therefore, option (B) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.
(A) Teeth
(B) Tooths
(C) Teeths
(D) None of these
Answer: (a)
Explanation :
Plural of tooth is teeth. Therefore, option (A) is correct and rest ofthe options is incorrect.
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