7th Class Science Nutrition in Plants

Nutrition in Plants

Category : 7th Class

Nutrition in Plants




  • Green plants, synthesise their food themselves by the process of photosynthesis. They are autotrophs. Non-green plants and animals are heterotrophs.


  • Photosynthesis can be summarised as follows.




  • Photosynthesis provide food and oxygen to all the living organisms.


  • The Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.


  • Gaseous exchange in the leaves takes place through tiny pores, which are generally located on the lower surface of a leaf called stomata.


  • In some plants like crotons, the green colour of the chlorophyll is hidden by other pigments and appear dark red.


  • Some plants like pitcher plant and venus fly trap, feed on trapped insects and fulfill their nitrogen requirement. They are called insectivorous plants.


  • The organisms which feed on dead and decaying organisms are called saprophytes. e.g., moulds, mushrooms and some bacteria.


  • Plants which depend completely on other plant for food and habitat are called parasites. e.g., cuscuta.


  • Some plants, like mistle toe, depend on other plant as well as prepare their own food. They are called partial parasites.


  • Symbiosis is a beneficial relationship between two organisms.


Notes - Nutrition in Plants

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