Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Advantages of Optical Fibres Over Wires

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Lower cost in the long run.

(2) Low loss of signal typically less than 0.3 dB/km), so repeater-less transmission over long distances is possible.

(3) Large data-carrying capacity (thousands of times greater, reaching speeds of up to 1.6 Tb/s in field deployed systems and up to 10 Tb/s in lab systems).

(4) No electromagnetic radiation; difficult to eavesdrop.

(5) High electrical resistance, so safe to use near high-voltage equipment or between areas with different earth potentials.

(6) Low weight.

(7) Signals contain very little power.

(8) No cross talk between cables.

(9) No sparks (e.g. in automobile applications)

(10) Difficult to place a tap or listening device on the line, providing better physical network security.

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