Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Applications of Kirchoff's Law

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Sand is rough black, so it is a good absorber and hence in deserts, days (when radiation from the sun is incident on sand) will be very hot. Now in accordance with Kirchoff's law, good absorber is a good emitter so nights (when sand emits radiation) will be cold. This is why days are hot and nights are cold in desert.

(2) Sodium vapours, on heating, emit two bright yellow lines. These are called \[{{D}_{1}},\,{{D}_{2}}\] lines of sodium. When continuos white light from an arc lamp is made to pass through sodium vapours at low temperature, the continuous spectrum is intercepted by two dark lines exactly in the same places as \[{{D}_{1}}\] and \[{{D}_{2}}\] lines. Hence sodium vapours when cold, absorbs the same wavelength, as they emit while hot. This is in accordance with Kirchoff's law.

(3) When a shining metal ball having some black spots on its surface is heated to a high temperature and is seen in dark, the black spots shine brightly and the shining ball becomes dull or invisible. The reason is that the black spots on heating absorb radiation and so emit these in dark while the polished shining part reflects radiations and absorb nothing and so does not emit radiations and becomes invisible in the dark.

(4) When a green glass is heated in furnace and taken out, it is found to glow with red light. This is because red and green are complimentary colours. At ordinary temperatures, a green glass appears green, because it transmits green colour and absorb red colour strongly. According to Kirchoff's law, this green glass, on heating must emit the red colour, which is absorbed strongly. Similarly when a red glass is heated to a high temperature it will glow with green light.

(5) A person with black skin experiences more heat and more cold as compared to a person of white skin because when the outside temperature is greater, the person with black skin absorbs more heat and when the outside temperature is less the person with black skin radiates more energy.

(6) Kirchoff' law also explains the Fraunhoffer lines :

(i) Sun's inner most part (photosphere) emits radiation of all wavelength at high temperature.

(ii) When these radiation enters in outer part (chromosphere) of sun, few wavelength are absorbed by some terrestrial elements (present in vapour form at lower temperature)

(iii) These absorbed wavelengths, which are missing appear as dark lines in the spectrum of the sun called Fraunhoffer lines.

(iv) During total solar eclipse these lines appear bright because the gases and vapour present in the chromosphere start emitting those radiation which they had absorbed.  

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