Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Basic Communication System

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

  A basic communication system consists of an information source, a transmitter, a link and a receiver.

(1) Information : The idea/message that is to be conveyed is information. The message may be individual one or a set of messages. The message may be a symbol, code, group of words or any pre decided unit.

(2) Transmitter : In radio transmission, the transmitter consists of a transducer, modulator, amplifier and transmitting anteena.

Transducer :       Converts sound signals into electric signal.

Modulator :        Mixing of audio electric signal with high frequency radio wave.

Amplifier :           Boosting the power of modulated signal.

Anteena :            Signal is radiated in the space with the aid of an anteena.

(3) Communication channel : The function of communication channel is to carry the modulated signal from transmitter to receiver. The communication channel is also called transmission medium or link.

The term channel refers to the frequency range allocated to a particular service or transmission.

Different channels

Type of communication Channels or links
Radio communication Free space
Telephony and Telegraphy communication Transmission line
Optical communication Optical fibre


(4) Receiver : The receiver consists of

Pickup anteena :      To pick the signal

Demodulator :           To separate out the audio signal from the modulated signal

Amplifier :                   To boost up the weak audio signal

Transducer :               To convert back audio signal in the form of electrical pulses into sound waves.


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