Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Capacity of Various Capacitor

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Parallel plate capacitor : It consists of two parallel metallic plates (may be circular, rectangular, square) separated by a small distance. If A = Effective overlapping area of each plate.

(i) Electric field between the plates : \[E=\frac{\sigma }{{{\varepsilon }_{0}}}=\frac{Q}{A{{\varepsilon }_{0}}}\]

(ii) Potential difference between the plates : \[V=E\times d=\frac{\sigma \,d}{{{\varepsilon }_{0}}}\]

(iii) Capacitance : \[C=\frac{{{\varepsilon }_{\mathbf{0}}}A}{d}\].  In C.G.S. : \[C=\frac{A}{\mathbf{4}\pi d}\]

(iv) If a dielectric medium of dielectric constant K is filled completely between the plates then capacitance increases by K times i.e. \[C'=\frac{K{{\varepsilon }_{0}}A}{d}\] \[\Rightarrow \]\[C'=KC\]

(v) The capacitance of parallel plate capacitor depends on \[A(C\,\propto A)\] and \[d\,\left( C\propto \frac{1}{d} \right)\]. It does not depend on the charge on the plates or the potential difference between the plates.

(vi) If a dielectric slab is partially filled between the plates

\[\Rightarrow \] \[C'=\frac{{{\varepsilon }_{0}}A}{d-t+\frac{t}{K}}\]

(vii) If a number of dielectric slabs are inserted between the plate as shown

\[C'=\frac{{{\varepsilon }_{0}}A}{d-({{t}_{1}}+{{t}_{2}}+{{t}_{3}}+........)+\left( \frac{{{t}_{1}}}{{{K}_{1}}}+\frac{{{t}_{2}}}{{{K}_{2}}}+\frac{{{t}_{3}}}{{{K}_{3}}}+........ \right)}\]

(viii) When a metallic slab is inserted between the plates \[C'=\frac{{{\varepsilon }_{0}}A}{(d-t)}\]

If metallic slab fills the complete space between the plates (i.e. \[t=d\]) or both plates are joined through a metallic wire then capacitance becomes infinite.

(ix) Force between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor.

\[|F|\,=\frac{{{\sigma }^{2}}A}{2{{\varepsilon }_{0}}}=\frac{{{Q}^{2}}}{2{{\varepsilon }_{0}}A}=\frac{C{{V}^{2}}}{2d}\] 

(x) Energy density between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor.

Energy density \[=\frac{Energy}{Volume}\]\[=\frac{1}{2}\,{{\varepsilon }_{0}}{{E}^{2}}.\]

Variation of different variable (Q, C, V, E and U) of parallel plate capacitor


Battery is Removed

Battery Remains connected

Capacity \[C'=KC\] \[C'=KC\]
Charge \[Q'=Q\] \[Q'=KQ\]
Potential \[V'=V/K\] \[V'=V\]
Intensity \[E'=E/K\] \[E'=E\]
Energy \[U'=U/K\] \[U'=KU\]

(2) Spherical capacitor : It consists of two concentric conducting spheres of radii \[a\] and \[b\]\[(a<b)\]. Inner sphere is given charge \[+Q,\] while outer sphere is earthed

(i) Potential difference : Between the spheres is

\[V=\frac{Q}{4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}a}-\frac{Q}{4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}b}\]

(ii) Capacitance : \[C=4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}.\frac{ab}{b-a}\].

In C.G.S. \[C=\frac{ab}{b-a}\]. In the presence of dielectric medium (dielectric constant K) between the spheres \[C'=4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}K\frac{ab}{b-a}\]

(iii) If outer sphere is given a charge \[+Q\] while inner sphere is earthed

Induced charge on the inner sphere

\[Q'=-\frac{a}{b}.Q\] and capacitance of

the system \[C'=4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}.\frac{{{b}^{2}}}{b-a}\]

This arrangement is not a capacitor. But it?s capacitance is equivalent to the sum of capacitance of spherical capacitor and spherical conductor i.e. \[4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}.\frac{{{b}^{2}}}{b-a}=4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}\frac{ab}{b-a}+4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}b\]

(3) Cylindrical capacitor : It consists of two concentric cylinders of radii \[a\] and \[b\]\[(a<b)\], inner cylinder is given charge \[+Q\] while outer cylinder is earthed. Common length of the cylinders is l then

\[C=\frac{2\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}l}{{{\log }_{e}}\left( \frac{b}{a} \right)}\]

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