Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Comparative Study of Displacement Velocity and Acceleration

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) All the three quantities displacement, velocity and acceleration show harmonic variation with time having same period.

(2) The velocity amplitude is \[\omega \] times the displacement amplitude

(3) The acceleration amplitude is \[{{\omega }^{2}}\] times the displacement amplitude

(4) In S.H.M. the velocity is ahead of displacement by a phase angle \[\pi /2\]

(5) In S.H.M. the acceleration is ahead of velocity by a phase angle \[\pi /2\]

(6) The acceleration is ahead of displacement by a phase angle of \[\pi \]  

Various physical quantities in S.H.M. at different position :  

Graph Formula At mean position At extreme position


\[y=a\sin \omega \,t\] \[y=0\] \[y=\pm a\]


\[v=a\omega \cos \omega \,t\] \[=a\omega \sin (\omega \,t+\frac{\pi }{2})\] or \[v=\omega \sqrt{{{a}^{2}}-{{y}^{2}}}\] \[{{v}_{\max }}=a\omega \] \[{{v}_{\min }}=0\]


\[A=-a{{\omega }^{2}}\sin \omega \,t\] \[=a{{\omega }^{2}}\sin (\omega \,t+\pi )\] or \[\left| A\, \right|={{\omega }^{2}}y\] \[{{A}_{\min }}=0\] \[|{{A}_{\max }}|\] \[{{\omega }^{2}}a\]



\[F=-\,m{{\omega }^{2}}a\sin \omega \,t\] or \[F=m{{\omega }^{2}}y\]   \[{{F}_{\min }}=0\] \[{{F}_{\max }}=\] \[\,m{{\omega }^{2}}a\]


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