Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Compton Effect

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) The scattering of a photon by an electron is called Compton effect.

(2) The energy and momentum is conserved.

(3) Scattered photon will have less energy (more wavelength) as compare to incident photon (less wavelength).

(4) The energy lost by the photon is taken by electron as kinetic energy.

(5) The change in wavelength due to Compton effect is called Compton shift. Compton shift \[{{\lambda }_{f}}-{{\lambda }_{i}}=\Delta \lambda =\frac{h}{{{m}_{0}}c}(1-\cos \varphi )\]

If \[\phi ={{0}^{o}},\,\,\Delta \lambda =0\]

\[\phi ={{90}^{o}},\,\,\Delta \lambda =\frac{h}{{{m}_{0}}c}=0.24\,nm\] \[\varphi ={{180}^{o}},\,\Delta \lambda =\frac{2h}{{{m}_{0}}c}=\,0.48nm\] (called Compton wave length)


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